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A women's empowerment photo session in Eatonville, Washington


Calling all ladies! Have you been in your sweatpants all quarantine and have little to no motivation to spruce yourself up? It's time to Treat Yo' Self. ( If you haven't watched Parks and Rec where Treat Yo' Self was coined, you NEED to put it on your list of TV series to binge watch)

In all seriousness though, this has been a long year for everyone, especially for us ladies. I feel like self care has been thrown aside and we're all just trying to make it through homeschooling our children alive.

I'm happy to announce that starting in April I'll be offering Women's Empowerment sessions. This is something that I'm really passionate about! Every women deserves to be seen for the amazing, strong, and beautiful person that she has fought hard to become.

Grab a few of your favorite gal pals for a night of fun and glam or simply enjoy a quiet day of pampering and photos by yourself.


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Lifestyle Photography for
Yelm, WA
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©A Bit O Whimsy Photography 2019


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