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Lifestyle Family Sessions

Every family is unique and has their own story to tell. We will work together to make your session one of a kind. Lifestyle sessions are for families in all different stages and ages of life. I like to keep my sessions play-based and as carefree as possible, with emphasis on connections and interactions.

Lifestyle sessions can take place outdoors or in the comfort of your own home doing what you love.

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Senior Sessions

       I'm a big believer in getting to know what makes you who you are before we have our session. All my senior sessions come with a complimentary consultation. Let me help you with makeup, wardrobe, and posing advice.


    Senior Portraits should showcase your personality, beauty, and talents. This is such an exciting time in your life and you have your whole future ahead of you.


Equine Sessions

" Fascination with horses predated every single thing I knew. Before I was a mother, before I was a writer, before I knew the facts of life, before I was a school girl, before I learned to read, I wanted a horse."  - Jane Smiley



As a fellow horse lover and owner myself, I understand the deep and incomparable bond we share with our horses. Every horse and rider has their own story, be it a world champion, BLM Mustang, or a pasture pet.


The Equestrian lifestyle is unique and differs greatly between disciplines, but it's safe to say the one thing we all have in common is our love for horses.

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Lifestyle Photography for
Yelm, WA
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©A Bit O Whimsy Photography 2019


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