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A women's empowerment photo session in Yelm, WA Mother's day is creeping closer with a little over a month away! What better gift than...

A COVID-19 Courthouse wedding/ Tacoma WA Jose and Maddie had a whirlwind of a wedding! I'm pretty darn honored to have been a part of...

Chloe's 1 year cake smash
Rainer, WA I love getting to see my little clients grow. It feels like just yesterday I was taking Chloe's newborn photos. We planned for...

A women's empowerment photo session in Eatonville, Washington Calling all ladies! Have you been in your sweatpants all quarantine and...

Boho Mini Session
The Stephens Family 2020/ Graham, WA I'm proud to present my very own adorable nephew! He just turned 6 months and it feels like just...

Salcedo Maternity Session
Yelm, WA The Salcedo's moved to Yelm recently, they met and grew up on the sunny beaches of Florida. They're a military family and moving...

Leavitt Maternity Session
Yelm, WA Who is loving all this snow we have been getting? It's not very often we get to see so much snow in Western Washington. We had...

Baby Joseph
A lifestyle newborn session in Yelm, WA From their wedding pictures, to maternity, and now the birth of their first child. It's been such...

The McCracken Family
Fort Steilacoom Park, WA This sweet family is near and dear to my heart. Mrs. McCracken taught my youngest child in church for several...

Winter Wonderland Horse Portraits
Rainier, WA We don't get more than a few days of snow here in Western Washington each winter season. We've been waiting two years to get...

An in home lifestyle newborn session Rainier, WA I LOVE me some in home lifestyle newborn sessions. There is just something so intimate...

Christmas Mini 2020
Yelm, WA The many adorable faces of Aurora. This fun and silly girl got a new dress and told her mom she needed some pretty photos of her...

Christmas Mini Session 2020
Blandford Family Yelm, WA Each year my Christmas mini sessions seem to be a huge hit. While I love too see all the new and old families...

Family Maternity Session
The Forrest Family/ Pioneer Park The Forrest Family This amazing family is about to add a beautiful baby girl to the bunch. She is going...

Date Night In Lifestyle Couples Session
T he Simpson/ Yelm, WA Rocky and Tina invited me over to captured a fun and romantic "Date Night In" in true COVID 2020 style. During all...

Emma & David Maternity Session
A wooded maternity photo session in Yelm, WA I'm so thrilled for Emma and David to become parents. It has been a long hard road but will...

The Wahl Family
A family photo session at Tolmie State Park in Olympia, WA The Wahl family take 2! We arrived at the Tolmie beach on a bright sunny...

Abe's Senior Session
A downtown Tacoma senior photography session Abe is such an amazing young man! He is laid back, easy going, polite, and so much fun. He...

Fall mini's
Blandford Family/ Yelm, WA I met a lot of new families and faces this year during my fall mini sessions! This family is too cute and I...

Fall Mini Sessions
Sanchez Family/ Yelm WA My Fall mini's were a huge hit this year! My property here in Yelm makes the perfect backdrop with a picturesque...
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